
Wednesday, October 1, 2008

SQE, Maven and NetBeans 6.5

After a long quiet period here some news from SQE. The actual main goal of SQE is to provide a stable release for NetBeans 6.5 .

The first milestone towards this is support for Maven based projects. This is now available as a binary preview. Just download the zip-File unpack it and install the nbm's. Since not all the version numbers are actually increased, the binary snapshot requires that you uninstall all previously installed parts of SQE. I hope to find a simple method to fix this problem for one of the next binary previews.

Bug fixes:
  • Checkstyle now working under Unix
  • A lot of small changes for better project recognition
New features
  • Maven support
  • Checkstyle 5.0 beta 01
Upcoming (new things or things already planned)
  • Update FindBugs to 1.3.5
  • Update PMD to 4.2.3
  • Refresh on save/compile (especially useful for tasklist)
  • further UI enhancements
    • windowgroup for codedefect results
    • move codedefect history (still not working) to control center
  • select checkstyle.xml to use
Any other ideas, comments, wishes? Just leave your comment here or send an e-mail to the user list at


hantsyblog said...

I hope this project can provide features as CodePro .
Visual Config checkstyle ,pmd rules, import and export rule config.
Coverage reports

mkleint said...

Will the maven support be able to retrieve the configuration of checkstyle, findbugs and pmd from their respective plugin configurations?

Sven said...

@hantsy: Some of those feature are medium term goals other more longterm, since reports can be generated with the tools directly using your continous integration process. But a better configuration handling is on the roadmap.

@milos: Yes I hope I can manage. I have a sample for how to configure those with Maven and hope to get this done Real Soon Now (TM)

Yannick Majoros said...

SQE tools looks quite good, I found a couple of nasty bugs in the web part of our projects. But it crashes on EAR projects, EJB's, and app clients :-(

So, I wanted to have a look at the source to try to find a solution, but... where is the project's source code?

Sowmiya R said...

well! Thanks for providing the information
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