
Monday, December 10, 2007

JavaPolis 2007 - Day 1

An interesting Day 1 of JavaPolis is nearing its end. So to get it all in sequence - first things first - breakfast. After having walked to the Metropolis from our flat this was a real good start into the day

After having had a real good breakfast (as you can imagine) we got to the conference rooms and I have to admit that the location is astonishing for such a conference. See for yourself

First session I attended today was The Zen of Agile Management.
This was quite an experience finding about all those things going wrong in software development and how to achieve a better process. After having lunch there was a real fun session with Brian Leonard and Oliver Nutter presenting JRuby and the Ruby on Rails integration in NetBeans 6.0, really impressive - and they were hurling t-shirts into the audience (the brand new NetBeans 6). Afterwards there was a session on code generation on a large scale using Freemarker and a presentation fomr Koshuke Kawaguchi on Hudson, a continous build integration server

For the short intervals between the session there was enough infrastructure to keep all the developers happy

The BOFs were very interesting as well. First a presentation about the OSGi approach (always a challenge for a NetBeans addict) and an astonishing presentation from the vice president of GigaSpace R&D about distributed systems, agile development and the special challenges. After a short discussion afterwards we called it day and went of for dinner, a Duvel and some more discussions about SCRUM, agility and the challenges of software development.

That was a lot for day 1 at the JavaPolis. More to come tomorrow.


Unknown said...

Du lässt es Dir mal wieder so richtig gut gehen ;-) Wie man sieht ...

Unknown said...

Through the help of different kind of things like business agility we get to have an idea which is fine enough and at the same time we can work really goodly through the help of this all.