
Sunday, June 22, 2008

SQE - Jazoon 2008 / NetBeans 6.x compatible - Version

Following the tradition to release at least for the big events a new updated version of SQE is available for Jazoon 2008. Unfortunately nobody from SQE team is available at Jazoon or the NetBeans Day in Zurich, but we still work on making SQE better. So here is the summary since last update notification

Bug fixes:
  • Problem with configuring (disabling) FindBugs detectors
  • Fix NPE in RuleViolationRenderer in case of missing classname
  • Enhance pmd annotation message with rule name
  • Fixes NPE in SortAction and issues with displaying new results (update problem of resultui)
  • Fix issue with display and jump to RuleViolation in case of default package
New features
  • Configuration (disabling) of PMD rules (per project/ global)
  • Disabling rules/detectors is available via context menu in result view tree for PMD and FindBugs
  • PMD 4.2.2
  • FindBugs 1.3.4
  • Refresh on save/compile (especially useful for tasklist)
  • further UI enhancements
    • windowgroup for codedefect results
    • move codedefect history (still not working) to control center
  • configurable checkstyle.xml (at least)
  • use native PMD file format for storing configuration
  • use native FindBugs format for storing configuration
  • quick-fix for disabling detectors (still under evaluation)
  • enable filtering for defects (available but not functional)
  • RefactorIt integration (still far future)
Get the latest version as always via updatecenter or download the module containing the updatecenter description from here.

Since I still have problems with kit versioning vs. module versioning you may have to delete your sqe1 cluster from your installation, since the IDE does not seem to pick up the changes in the modules not shown in the plugin manager. I hope I will find out how to use this correctly for the next update...